I wish I had a marriage untouched by infidelity.
The innocence of it. The feeling of "you are my best friend and you will never hurt me".
It's gone. Does it come back? I have no idea. I can't say my husband is my best friend like I used to say...because right now he isn't. I can't say he will never hurt me...because he did. That thought that my marriage is beautiful is foreign to me now. It's not beautiful. Can it be? Maybe. I hope. I wish. It's not secure. My vows were thrown in the dirt and spit on. How is that beautiful?
I feel like my faith in marriage is shattered. I find myself seeing people get married and post their photos on facebook and I think to myself "just wait". How horrible. I can honestly say that I thought my marriage would never end...that my husband was my soul mate. He was my soul mate. Was I wrong? How can you be so very wrong about someone you love so much? God damn it he was my soul mate I thought.
I think I am just angry right now. I'm angry that this is my life right now and I hate it.
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