Monday, August 27, 2012

Marriage counseling session #1 down...

Our first therapy session was today.  All we did was talk about why we needed therapy and what our goals are...which honestly include not killing him and trying to stay married.  My goals.  I am assuming our goals will morph as we go through this process. 

I am still unsure if husband is ready for this...I am trying to trust him when he says he is 100% commited but I have no choice but to go along for this ride so I have to believe him.  I said I wanted to try to save my marriage and that's what I'm doing.

Do I hurt still?'s still as raw as it was in the days following the discovery.  Maybe even more so because the shock is wearing off.  Not to mention my husband has went back and forth on what he even wants.  He still as of 2 days ago was wanting the "other woman" (which is still insane to me because SHE DOESN'T EVEN WANT HIM and NEVER DID!!!) but today he said that he has woken up.  That he realizes how wrong he was.  That he wants me and only me. I will believe him when he has shown me with his words and actions that he does want me and our life together.

So I am trying to just take one minute at a time when it's overwhelming and one hour at a time when it eases up. 

There is still 24 hours a day though and that's a lot of time. 

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